Dec 11, 2011

Stubborn Me Talking...

When the whole world does not care about you, don't be sad or even cry. 
But be thankful. 
cuz it means they will not notice if you have a bath or not, they will not know if you defecate in any place, and they will not realize how ugly you are. (I'm kidding bout this part) . lol

They would not know if you're a big time pretender, that you are a coward, and that you are too often complaining about the things you're supposed to face and done.

in thins case, The best part is that they dont know shit bout you and the won't give a damn about you either. then, its not fair to you to be sad. Be Happy. 

The will not know that you are a dumb ass, big time looser and or any uglyness about you and yourself. you are free to go mate, be thankfull about that. 

and if you think the world are care about you then you are about to fuck yourself. 

I tell you this, This whole world is nothing but a wall which if you hit one ball to it then you'll get the ball back, its simply because you put some efforts to hit that ball ; Means what you are about to receive is nothing but your efforts to make it happened.  

well. i'm not always right bout what i write here, but i tell you this that i am not wrong either. so what you want to think bout this whole writting is all up to you, i tell you again ; you are free to go. we are all in charge of our own life. 

 ** Behind all the ignorance, there is a lot of ignorances awaiting to be up against and to make it a journey of yours. 

 Ps : Life is sucks. however it provides many sucks things to fight for and make it your happiness. so, Dont let the bastards grind you down.

@Cr7 : Bro o tanis demais ona.. bebeik ona, dalabrak ona. and etc..
tempo ona atu manan Lionel Messi.
ps : keta hatan hau ho liafuan, tanis la mate tanis tia deik.

note : The world is dangerous not because those who do harm but because of those who look at it without doing anything. 
I'm just saying.. :D --- > I've just done something. lol



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