Aug 30, 2012

What if ??

Ego is the only requirement to destroy any relationship..
so be the bigger person skip the " E "and let it " GO "

What if someday i finally let you go, as you always have a bad mood. 

What if  i will never let u go ? Would you still tortured me for that ?

What if my final decision is to end all of this ? 
Our Relationship...

What if we only ended up become a stranger again ?
even with Memories...

^^ We both know that we won't get along and carry on if we couldn't change what is should to  be changed.. 

If only i knw what's in your mind ! I won't bothered asking you all of this and write it down over here. ^^

Another part of me yearns for  more, don't you know ?


Aug 29, 2012

Random Pictures

Scroll and Check it out

Things to know

Many men may claimed that they're really good with women, that to get women is not a big deal for them. Getting laid are just easy for some Man.

The thing is what made women fell for them might not only because that they're good but maybe cuz their background, or even may be,  their  handsomeness and or etc..
They're only confusing their mind.

cuz sometime somehow they're gonna stucked like other men does when they're trying to get some woman. some woman may will compliacte them. There is no doubt about that. Selalu begitu !!

Pria tentunya akan disulitkan oleh beberapa wanita, gk semua yang mereka inginkan akan terpenuhi dengan gampang. Well, at least ketika mereka akan serius dengan wanita. wanita terlalu rumit untuk dipahami, when they say yes it means No and otherwise. *teunyahodeui* hehe

Found some passage on facebook, dan menurut saya mungkin akan membantu buat teman2 pria apabila kalian mengetahuinya. atau bahkan kalian udah mengetahuinya, poor me.. Tpi gk mungkin dong hanya saya yg belom tahu.. Semua pria akan terkesan binggung soal wanita. semoga membantu.!!  hehe

Well, lets find out together.  Good Luck

(1) Fine:This is the word women use to end an argument when they are right and you need to shut up.

(2) Five Minutes:If she is getting dressed, this means a half an hour. Five minutes is only five minutes if you have just been given five more minutes towatch the game before helping around the house.

(3) Nothing:This is the calm before the storm. This means something, and you should be on your toes. Arguments that begin with nothing usually end in “Fine.”

(4) Go Ahead:This is a dare, not permission. Don’t Do It!

(5) Loud Sigh:This is actually a word, but is a non-verbal statement often misunderstood by men. A loud sigh means she thinks you are an idiot and wonders why she is wasting her time standing here and arguing with you about nothing. (Refer back to # 3 for the meaning of nothing.)

(6) That’s Okay:This is one of the most dangerous statements a women can make to a man. That’s okay means she wants to think long and hard before deciding how and when you will pay for your mistake.

(7) Thanks:A woman is thanking you, do not question, or faint. Just say you’re welcome. (I want to add in a clause here – This is true, unless she says ‘Thanks a lot’ – that is PURE sarcasm and she is not thanking you at all. DO NOT say ‘you’re welcome’ . that will bring on a ‘whatever’).

(8) Whatever:Is a woman’s way of saying F–YOU!

(9) Don’t worry about it, I got it:Another dangerous statement, meaning this is something that a woman has told a man to do several times, but is now doing it herself. This will later result in a man asking ‘What’s wrong?’ For the woman’s response refer to # 3.

Learn Something ??


Aug 27, 2012

What defines you ?

Can you accept who you are?

Everyone is born to be different. Unique. Yet we are trying to fit in what's defined to be the norm, the common, the normal one.

People are telling us to be who we are, yet when we are who we are, people say we are weird, we are the odd one out. We are abnormal.

So why listen?

I am concerned with how others think of me. So often, the thought of 'What will others think of me if I do this?' clouds my mind and influenced my actions, to a certain extent. But then again, nobody really cares about you, how you behave, what influenced you etc. 

So what if I am sad, what if I am angry, what if I am tired, what if I am missing someone? Do they truly feels the way I felt? Or the sentence, 'I understand how you feel.' is expressed when there's nothing else to say? 

Sometimes it's not that we are not being expressive. It's whether there is a need to.

Its What you think you are that matter most.

Wiseman Said

Although we are all the same in not wanting problems and wanting a peaceful life, we tend to create a lot of problems to ourselves. Encountering those problems, anger develops and many time overwhelms our mind, which leads to violence. 

A good way to counter this and to work for a more peaceful world is to develop concern for others. Then our angers, jealousy and other destructive emotion will naturally weaken and diminish. - Dalai Lama

Pic From Here

We Need Peace

Aug 26, 2012

Sometime we get used to

Sometime struggles are exactly what we need in our life. 

If we were to go through life without any obstacles, 
it would cripple us somehow. 
We would not be as strong as we could have been
and we could never fly.

So the next time you are faced with an obstacles,
a challengew or a problem, 

Pic from here


Aug 25, 2012

When u are wasting time and u enjoy it then its not wasting time at all..

Malam ini kan satnite, kok gw malah sibuk post ?? *kasihan* 

Gk ada kegiatan untuk satnite kali ini, sempat diajak teman untuk hang out bareng and mungkin maen billiard tapi karena gwnya ketiduran pas tidur siang and bangunny udah jam 9 pm maka gw putuskan utk gk ikut. Sepi sih, tpi mau gimana lgi. daripada harus sendirian dari Jatinangor ke bandung, mendingan gw stay at kost meskipun tanpa rencana gimana mau mengisi satnite ini, sempat berpikir mau ntn aja. The Expendables 2 dan Friends with kids adalah downloadan gw yg belum sempat gw nonton., yg udah ntn gimna ne pendapatan pendapat kalian ? tapi sebelum gw ntn, gw mau share sesuatu nih, sebuah cerita yang udah lama sih gw simpan di PC, dripada kadaluarsa nanti mendingan gw share deh. hehe *facepalm*

Ceritanya, gw suka koleksi cerita cerita keren dan inspiratif, cerita lucu and etc.. sekedar bahan baca disaat gk ada kegiatan, ketika rasa malas mendera. lol - well, cerita yg dibawah ini mengenai pentingnya sebuah kejujuran di keseharian kita, walau dalam kenyataanny gk semua orang selalu berkata atau bersikap jujur tapi sebuah niat untuk berkata dan bersikap jujur kadang dapat merubah kehidupan kita termasuk gimana penilaian orang lain terhadap kita. Well, mari simak cerita dibawah ini.. *sorry cuz sourceny gw lupa*

Here we go....

Pada suatu ketika, seorang Kaisar China ingin memilih pengganti tahtanya.
... Kaisar tersebut sudah tua & tidak memiliki putra.
Karena ia sangat menyukai bunga & tumbuhan,
ia memutuskan untuk memanggil semua anak di kerajaannya & memberikan mereka masing – masing sebiji benih.

Ia mengatakan bahwa anak yang memiliki hasil terbaik

dalam waktu enam bulan akan memenangkan kompetisi
tersebut & akan menjadi penerus tahtanya.

Semua anak di China ingin memenangkan kontes tersebut. Berkumpullah banyak anak – anak di istana pada hari ketika Sang Kaisar memberikan biji benih.

Setiap anak membawa pulang satu biji benih di tangannya.
Salah seorang anak bernama Jun.

Ia pandai berkebun,

semua orang di desanya mengatakan bahwa ia seorang petani muda terbaik di desa itu.
Ia dengan hati – hati membawa benih dari
Sang Kaisar pulang ke rumahnya.

Di rumah, ia mencoba menumbuhkan biji benih itu

dalam sebuah pot dengan teliti & sebaik – baiknya.

Satu minggu sesudahnya ,

Cheun memberitahukan bahwa biji benihnya sudah bertunas. Manche kemudia mengatakan bahwa dalam potnya
sudah muncul tunas muda.
Lalu Wong pun menyatakan hal yang sama.
Jun menjadi bingung – tak ada satu pun dari anak – anak tersebut yang dapat menanam pohon sebaik dirinya!
Tapi biji benih Jun tidak tumbuh.

Segera semua pot di seluruh desa itu telah bertunas.

Kemudian anak – anak tersebut memindahkan tanaman mereka keluar supaya tunas mudanya mendapatkan sinar matahari yang cukup.

Segera, puluhan tunas muda dalam pot di desa Jun telah bertumbuh daun.

Tapi biji benih Jun tidak tumbuh.
Jun kebingungan – apa yang salah?
Dengan seksama Jun memindahkan biji benihnya ke dalam pot baru.
Ia mengubah cara menanamnya,
tapi tetap saja biji benih Jun tidak tumbuh.

Enam bulan berlalu.

Semua anak harus membawa tanaman mereka
ke istana untuk dinilai.
Cheun, Manchu, Wong & ratusan anak lainnya menyiapkan pot tanaman mereka.

Kemudian mereka memakai pakaian terbaik yang mereka miliki. Beberapa orangtua mendampingi putra mereka membawakan tanamannya.

“Apa yang harus kulakukan?”

Tanya Jun pada orangtuanya.
“Biji benihku tidak mau tumbuh!
Pot milikku kosong!”
“Kau sudah melakukan yang terbaik,” jawab ayahnya.
“Jun, bawa saja pot milikmu kepada Kaisar,” balas ibunya,
“Itulah usaha terbaikmu.”

Jun membawa pot kosong miliknya ke istana.

Ia merasa malu, tapi apa yang dikatakan orangtuanya benar.
Ia telah berusaha sebaik mungkin.
Di istana, semua anak berbaris rapi.
Mereka menunjukkan tanamannya.
Kemudian Sang Kaisar memeriksanya satu per satu.

Ketika ia mendatangi Jun,

ia mentertawakannya & bertanya,
”Apa ini? Kau membawakan aku pot kosong??”
“Ya, Yang Mulia,” jawab Jun,
”Saya mencoba sebaik mungkin.
Saya menanam biji benih Yang Mulia berikan dengan tanah subur. Saya menjaga & mengamatinya setiap hari.
Ketika biji benihnya tidak tumbuh,
saya memindahkannya ke dalam pot baru.
Saya bahkan memindahkannya kembali.
Tapi tetap saja tidak tumbuh. saya minta maaf Yang Mulia.”
Jelas Jun sambil menggelengkan kepala.
“Hmm,” jawab Sang Kaisar,
”Aku akan memilihmu sebagai penerusku,” lanjutnya.

Semua orang terkejut.

Tapi kemudian Sang Kaisar berkata,

++”Saya tidak tahu darimana anak – anak ini mendapatkan biji benihnya.
Tidak mungkin ada yang tumbuh dari biji – biji benih yang aku berikan pada mereka.
Aku telah merebus semua biji benihnya.”
Dan dia tersenyum pada Jun & berkata,
Kau adalah satu – satunya anak yang mau jujur
kembali dengan membawa pot kosong.”++
Kejujuran takkan memberimu hal yang buruk.

Ps : " Sebuah misi,konsep, atau tujuan tinggi penting buat anda,
tapi lebih penting Jadilah orang yg Baik&benar 
dan jgn memanfaatkan orang lain/menipu untuk kepentingan pribadi, karena akan
 MENUTUP berkah hidup sendiri!!

 Till Then

Aug 24, 2012

I motivate Me

Hope is the little voice you hear 'whisper' maybe, when it seems the entire world is shouting No.! - English Proverb

When I'm feeling disappointed, I ask myself what matter most. I question myself. Trying to feel grateful all the time. It always works and I am again full of hope and all positive. 

however, it cannot work all the time. Disappointments are too heart breaking. the good thing is that there is always a reason to put hope again . Find your passion, and do what you really capable of. Things are  gonna be ok, thats how life works

When we don't get disappointed anymore thats when we give up. !!

There are so many better things to deal with in life. I don't want to listen to destructive comment and negativity. Look further ahead, how to be successful when you don't even try !! 

Till then,

Blog Sobat

Blog Teman

Aug 18, 2012

Warm Eid WIshes

Helloo all, Busy weekend gonna be ey ?? 

Lebaran is coming, jalanan macet dipenuhi arus mudik - Penumpang KA membludak and etc ttg serba serbi H-3 - Lebaran setiap tahun.. *_*Ok, untuk yang udah nyampe dan sedang berkumpul bersama keluarga besar di tempatnya masing masing semoga kebersamaan kalian diberkati oleh Tuhan yang Maha Kuasa.

dan untuk mereka yang sedang dalam perjalanan, semoga semuanya selamat sampai tujuan.. Ojok ngebut yo sing pake kendaraan pribadi. Ok OK

berhubung biasanya pada saat lebaran semuanya pada busy tingkat dewa, tak terkecuali saya.. hehe  karena sibuk bersilahturahmi ke keluarga, teman dan orang orang terdekat maka saya meluangkan waktu sejenak mengucapkan Selamat Hari Raya Idul Fitri untuk teman, keluarga dan sobat dunia maya serta Umat Islam di seluruh belahan dunia - 

May The Choicest Blessing of Allah Fill Your Life With Peace, Joy and Prosperity. ! 

Be The Best * Show some Love **

Aug 17, 2012

When Less is More

The Road to success is always under construction - Just dont stop stepping forward and keep fighting. 

The simplicity of life is not to be complicated by unnecessary thoughts. 
The simplicity of life is to be embraced with a smile, with contentment, with a laugh.

How simple your life can be?

Rest In Peace Mom

Aint no sunshine when u r gone.. Saudades de ti Mae Querida

I love u Ma
I love u Ma
I love u Ma
I love u Ma
I love u Ma
I love u Ma
I love u Ma
I love u Ma
I love u Ma
I love u Ma 
I love u Ma
I love u Ma
I love u Ma
I love u Ma
I love u Ma
I love u Ma
I love u Ma
I love u Ma
I love u Ma
I love u Ma
I love u Ma
I love u Ma
I love u Ma
I love u Ma
I love u Ma
I love u Ma
I love u Ma
I love u Ma
I love u Ma
I love u Ma
I love u Ma
I love u Ma
I love u Ma
I love u Ma
I love u Ma
I love u Ma
I love u Ma
I love u Ma
I love u Ma
I love u Ma
I love u Ma
I love u Ma
I love u Ma
I love u Ma
I love u Ma
I love u Ma
I love u Ma
I love u Ma
I love u Ma
I love u Ma
I love u Ma
I love u Ma
I love u Ma
I love u Ma
I love y Ma
I love u Ma
I love u Ma
I love u Ma
I love u Ma
I love u Ma
I love u Ma
I love u Ma
I love u Ma
I love u Ma
I love u Ma
Rest in Peace.....

Apa kabar Ibu ??

Hari ini,genap 2 tahun kepergian Mama. Tak terasa, tak bisa dipahami apa yang membuat saya bisa hidup sampai hari ini, hidup tanpa ada Ibu.

hari ini adalah hari dimana saya begitu berharap kematian bisa kita beli,karena di hari ini ketika mendaptakan kabar bahwa Mama telah tiada saya tidak tahu harus melakukan apa-apa, pikiran dan akal sehat tidak bisa diajak berdebat untuk setidaknya memberikan sebuah alasan utk percaya dengan kenyataan telah tiadanya Ibu kami tercinta. 

Seandainya ada jalan lain selain kematian, seandainya akhir dari seseorang itu bukan dengan cara meningalkan dunia.? Seandainya.....

Rest in Peace Ma, I knw u are watching and taking care of us with ur prayer. Kami anak2mu juga selalu ingat mendoakan yang terbaik utk Ibu di sana. We all love u Ma, Tulisan I love u di atas, tadinya sya kira bisa menuliskan kata2 itu hingga tiada akhir dan awalnya. kenyataanny, hanya ketulusan cintamu lah yang tidak  pernah habis untuk kami semua, anak2mu dan keluargamu. Ma, take care there. Kami semua baik2 saja, we are always taking care of each other and also Dad. 

We love you.....

Aug 5, 2012

We The One

Not a great weekend, skype with someone that far away. talking about everything, had a good time ; yet ended up arguing each other and we were just like Whatever..and going off without saying goodbye --  #Not Cool. 

To u out there, this song is for you. i hope somehows u'll check this post and listen this song. Our Differences unite us, Somehow. We The One. 


SOJA - You and Me
Lyrics :
It's you and me, it's always been
And how I feel about you, there's no end
But you make me chase you around, all around
And then you need me there when you fall down, down
And when this dance is done,
You and me are still the only one
Well since our time begun
And I'm still with you even when your gone
When this dance is done,
You and me are still the only one
Well since our time begun
And I'm still with you even when your...

So I start it, and you stop it
I want it knowing that you're walking away
I start it, and you stop it
I want it knowing that you're walking away
I start it, and you stop it
I want it knowing that you're walking away
I start it, and you stop it
Ya-e ya-e yah-a

It's you and me, back again
Don't introduce me to all your new friends
Why do you make me chase you around?
Why do your words make me not make a sound, sound?
And when this dance is done,
You and me are still the only one
Yes since time begun
I'm still with you even when your gone
When this dance is done,
You and me are still the only one
Yes since time begun
I'm still with you even when your..

I start it, and you stop it
I want it knowing that you're walking away
I start it, and you stop it
I want it knowing that you're walking away
I start it, and you stop it
I want it knowing that you're walking away
I start it, and you stop it
 Ya-e ya-e yah 

Till then....

Aug 4, 2012

Run when you can, walk when you have to, crawl if you must, just never give up..

I have a dream, every one does. and yes we are all has our own way pursuing it. - Mind yours first !!! Mr Lopce
Manusia hidup dan menjalani hidup berdasarkan pilihan yang dibuat, I may say so right ?

There are many major decisions that I have made in life, some I followed my heart, some I followed my rational thinking, some I followed my parent's decision. I am indeed, using my rational thinking at the moment.

Someone asked me, why didn't you do what you want? What stopped you from Pursuing it?

Many factors affected my decision. My family, my results, my financial status, my mind. What if I tell you, what I am pursuing now is not the pathway I wanted? What if I say, I could have done something else, something that interests me, and that I can do it all day long?

I thought about it.

Yet, I am still glad that I'm at this junction, that I have not regretted any major decisions made up to this point in life. There are bound to be gives and takes in life. When you want something, you have to give up something in return for it.

True that I have kept aside my heart at the moment, but I'm living my dream within it. I am living my dream everyday. The dream from my heart. :)

Till then...

Weekend thoughts

It just caught me thinking today, what makes one a good leader?

Or should I say, what qualities you seek in a leader?

Is giving advice and commands and directions sufficient? Or do one need to give detailed step-by-step procedures to its subordinates, telling exactly what needs to be done and how do we need to go about it?

Or simply, work it out, together?

But clearly, merely raising problems without any tiny bit of solutions is not something I seek for.

Whatever, I say .....
Fighting an endless war.
Dear weekend, please be good to me. 
Smile People  ( *_* )

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