Nov 2, 2012

Relax and Live

Hello ! :)
Anyone still drop by at my blog ? *clear dust* 

Saya udah terlanjur sering bertanya pada diri sendiri mengapa kadang bahkan biasanya orang melakukan hal hal tertentu hampir 100% tidak sesuai dengan apa yang menurut saya lebih efektif dan efisien, singkatnya.. kenapa orang orang kelihatannya mempunyai cara yang hampir selalu berbeda antara satu dengan yang lainnya, meskipun ketika dihadapkan dalam konteks yg sama dan akibat yang sama seandainya mereka gagal.. !

Maybe the answer is, we all have different expectations in life. We want to achieve different results. Different aims. Different expectation. Different believe. And that is what differentiate us from others. Unique in our own way. 

Trus, apakah kita semua terjebak dengan perbedaan melekat pada diri kita sendiri yang memberi arti dan merefleksikan pribadi yang berbeda atau justru sebaliknya ? well, mungkin kekurangan dan kelebihan antara perbedaan dan persamaan kita dengan seseorang itu terlalu relatif untuk di diskusikan. tapi saya yakin kita semua pernah sejenak mebingungkan diri dengan hal hal seperti ini.. 

What we have to do... is to find a way to celebrate our diversity and debate our differences without fracturing our communities. " H.Clinton "

Ohhh,, Maybe Yes
I took public transport to college today and saw scenes that inspired me to think. One of the reason I like to take public transport is to see and observe the surroundings and people around me.. 
Well, I saw this old man who drove a motorcycle (those motorcycle with a steel ‘table’ attached, we see doing business by the roadside). His motorcycle broke down and he was stuck in the middle of the traffic looking helpless, tired and lost. So, he stopped it on the roadside, slowly took off his helmet and try to cross the busy road. I wish I can do something to help. And that moment, the bus drove away and I lost my sight but still thinking what would happen to him. Saddening scene. I hope he is alright now :/

I like to walk around malls alone when I’m feeling stressful,, My way of escaping from hectic schedule and stress hehe.
i bet u've ur own way , trust me mine is way much efective and easier than yours. dont hesitate to do the same.,. hehe 

So, I went to dinner alone and sat beside these two girls who were talking about their planning in life. I sense her difficulty in making decision to stop studying due to financial and personal problem and finding a job. Sometimes all we need is a chance to prove ourselves and get out of the comfort zone. I respect her for being strong and optimistic over the fact that she couldn’t get a higher pay due to her qualification but she also said this “I don’t mind working from bottom and put in more effort to earn more, doing it step by step. I might take a longer time but it’s fine”. I wish her all the best !!! I have the urge to tell her but I just couldn’t open my mouth that moment lol .

we all currently struggling with our activities, and survived each day of our life. this may sound hard but somehow i fu knw wht i mean , I feel better after stumbling across few scenes that touched my heart. its just good to have experienced on something, cuz afterall this kind of hindrance gonna filled our day days coming. Its like the world gives us chances to at least learning how to struggle one way or another. 

Giving your best :)

Relax and Live  :_:)


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