Dec 3, 2012

Welcoming December, 1st Post

First of all, I thank God for December is finally here..
Cant wait for Xmass,  hope i could be able to take a vacation back home to visit my parents, family and friends down there... 

I've missed them so much, !

I had a lot of plans in my mind to spend my days in december, and off course some target that i'd try to be achieved on this month to meet the expectations, too much things need to be done. 

I had a lot off expectations.. thats my problem,
like seriously, cuz some say, too much expectations could kill you..
Well i hope not.!!

Things are as simple as 1, 2, 3. 
But we always complicated things by multiplying it. 

My life is simple, please don't complicate it further. *talking to myself*

I asked, how do you define success? 

Everyone have a different answer to it. Some say wealth, some say a successful career, some say a happy family, some say all of everything. 

I asked myself, and find myself in a dilemma.

Sometimes, I think success is when I'm at the peak of my career, when I perform at my best.

Sometimes, I think success is when I have a loving family, and have excess money to not worry about my living.
Sometimes, I think success is having all I want.

- You are Persihable Item, Live Accordingly ! -
If you ask me now, and hopefully in years to come, I would say:
Success is when I woke up in the morning, and find myself smiling, anticipating the day.
Success is when I'm doing what I love.
Success is when I have no regrets.

Success is when I've achieve/done what I once thought impossible.

Welcome December, Be good to me ^^


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